FDA Approval
Pastelle has been certified with FDA approval since mid 2013

Real Dual Laser Toning
All-in-one Q-Switched Nd: YAG & Quasi-Long Pulse Nd: YAG Laser Toning + Photoacoustic Twins Pulse (PTP) mode
Best Energy Output
Q-Switched Nd: YAG 1.6J over, Quasi-Long Pulse Nd: YAG 3.5J over
Beam Quality & Prefect Top Hat Mode

Predetermined & Customized Programs
Predetermined programs provide the optimal parameters for various indications.
Precisely operated energy assure superior results. Customization of progams is possible for experts.
Fast treatment time with larger spot size (2-10mm)
Large spot size offers fast treatment during an operation.
Auto spot size detection increases operation efficiency.
Auto Calibration
Accurate energy is being delivered to ensure effectiveless and efficiency.
Specialized Treatment System
Using PTP technology, patients expect comfortable and effecive treatments.
Other Conveniences
- Optimal parameter programs based on a clinical study.
- Up to 300 parameter memories.
- User-friendly 10.4 LCD / touch screen.
Laser Toning (PTP)
- Melasma
- Nevus of Ota
- Acen / Pore Size
Laser Peel
- Acne / Pore / Whitening / Wrinkles
Dermal Lesion
- Tattoo Ink
- Nevus Ota / Ito / Blue
Epidermal Lesion
- Age Spot / S.K.
- Lentigo (Simplex, Solar)
- Cafe au lait